Saturday, February 20, 2010

Crossword puzzles & Quaker plain speech...

My newspaper runs three crosswords daily. I don't do them any more--eliminates another compulsion. But Monday a clue in the NY Times puzzle #0111 caught my eye.

52 Quaker pronoun
Four letters. Yep, it was THEE. So I finished the puzzle.

On the back page is the speed puzzle, the little one that tells you how long it takes to solve it. Sometimes I squander 10 minutes and blitz through it. There it is, same answer!

29 You, old-style
Four letters. Yep, THEE again. So I finished the puzzle.

Wow. A two-thee day. What're the odds?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

beer in the news

Wow, what a week for beer news. Turns out that beer builds your bones. Pale ales and lagers work best. It's the silicon in the beer that helps.

(photo from Bike Friendly Fort Worth)
What a dilemma. I don't like beer much, and I do have osteoporosis.

Then Thursday we had a foot of snow fall on roofs that weren't planned for that. Look what happened to the much-beloved only-game-in-town microbrewery in Fort Worth, Rahr Brewing.

There's video coverage of the damaged brewery on local NBC affiliate Channel 5's site.

Look at the photo credit. Just one of the many groups in town that Rahr has helped. They are friendly to so many groups, I am sure folks will rally to help this often-beleaguered family business.