Lord, the stuff they keep making up about health-care reform!

Lie down on it, and we will make you dead. I don't think we should do this.
Everybody we put down on this panel is a child of god.
Seems wrong for humans to get in the way of god working in a person to redeem her, to redeem him. No matter what he did or she did.
When we kill people here, we interrupt god's work in them.
Before this we used a chair to deliver death.

Looks like this. Take a good long look at how we kill people. In Florida this time.
(Picture from a website where execution is explored in detail.)
Death is real. It will happen to you. Me. All of us.
Be prepared for it, make plans for your death.
Seems like a good idea to discuss it with your family, your god, your faith community, your doctor, friends, neighbors, anybody who will listen to you. As you make your choices.
Some of us don't get a choice. I watched my 55-year-old husband die of sudden cardiac arrest six days short of getting health-care coverage at his new job.
No exceptions. Just do it.