Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No, Chucky, discrimination still happens to USA women

Yes, I read a lot of crap, from both sides. Like this from Conservative Review in today's inbox

Obama Surveys the World

Hovering on High: Obama Surveys the World
by Charles Krauthammer

(In which Chucky boy whines about Obama's attitude on the recent road trip, blah blah. When he got to this quote, I had to pitch a fit. )

"...[quoting Obama] 'meanwhile, the struggle for women’s
equality continues in many aspects of American life.'

Well, yes. On the one hand, there certainly is some
American university where the women’s softball team has
received insufficient Title IX funds — ..."
Charles, sweetie, no no it's a little worse than that. So dismissive, so clueless, you poor thang.

See the Lily Ledbetter Law signed in January--Obama's first bill signing. Its namesake is the pensioner in her 70's who got tipped to a career's-worth of pay discrimination as she retired. A fellow employee showed her what the other supervisors, all male, were paid.

She took it to the Supremes. Got turned down because she didn't file when that pay discrimination--which she DID NOT KNOW about--was happening. That's Catch 22 on steroids!

So, for the rest of her life, she'll continue to get bit by Goodyear's pension plan paying her less than her retired male peers, because she made less than they did cumulatively over a lifetime of work.

Chucky babeeeee, see beyond your tidy little whitey-male world and realize privilege is not universal, but merely yours. For the time being.


PS, this blog was submitted as a comment to Chucky. Whaddaya think it'll be published?

Read Bonnie Erbe's blog on the Ledbetter Law from US News & World Report.

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